Before & After
Customers who submit Before & After photos of their skin using our tallow balm will receive a free tallow balm if their submission is chosen. Please send a direct message with your collage to @touchoftallow.
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To see more Before & After reviews, please visit our instagram page @touchoftallow.
“My son has suffered severe eczema for the last 2 years. We’ve tried everything. Non-scented soaps and lotions haven’t retained moisture. Prescription creams have bleached his skin. We’ve used tallow balm for almost 2 weeks and the cracking, bleeding, and dryness have drastically changed. He doesn’t scratch like he used to and his outbreaks are minimal, compared to what they used to be. We use it multiple times a day and take it everywhere. His skin is finally healing because of the tallow balm!”
"The top picture is from 11/3 and the bottom picture is from 11/8. My 9 year old had really bad chapped lips and worsened when she woke up on 11/3. I applied tallow balm from Touch of Tallow a few times a day and it has healed 95% in just 5 days. The tallow balm didn't irritate her at all. This stuff is AMAZING!"
"Our son got a pretty bad cut below his eye, so I used Touch of Tallow's signature tallow balm 2-3x a day. The swelling was gone the next morning, and after 4 days the cut is almost completely healed! we are obsessed with this stuff!! We use it on cuts, sunburns, eczema, dry skin,'s amazing!"
"Your tallow balm works miracles! I have only been using it for A WEEK after a prescription cream prescribed for my burn by the doctor did not work. It is insane how amazing your tallow balm is!!"
"Hi Kim. I am sending you two pictures, before and after, of my hands using your signature tallow balm for a week. I am AMAZED! Before my hands were VERY BAD and extremely dry. Now, they are soft, smooth, and restored! I am SO HAPPY! I use premium tallow balm on my face and signature on my hands. I love this stuff. Thank you!"
"I'm one of those girls who tried EVERYTHING for my acne. I've spent thousands per month on lasers, peels, masks, literally anything I could get my hands on that claimed to clear my skin. I've suffered cystic acne for 10 years and it only got worse during my pregnancy. I would cry while getting ready in the morning because I could not deal with people seeing me - it was so embarrassing. I came across your tallow balm and figured I had nothing to lose. WITHIN WEEKS my skin was completely transformed! Even my husband is shocked!! I have never felt more comfortable leaving the house without makeup before. I still have more healing as far as hyperpigmentation goes but I will never stop buying this magical balm!"
"I ended up purchasing Touch of Tallow to try on my son's legs. I put the first application on last night and then another this morning. Look at the difference in less than 12 hours! His legs look so much better!! Thank you so much!"
"My 8-year-old daughter has had keratosis pilaris (aka chicken skin) on her arms ever since she was a toddler. We have tried applying various lotions over the years that didn't make it any better. When I read about tallow balm I knew we needed to get some ASAP. Sure enough, after 3 weeks of applying the signature tallow balm every 1-3 days to her arms, they were smooth for the first time since she can remember! We are all super impressed with Touch of Tallow over here (even my husband, and that's saying something!) We will continue to use tallow balm from Touch of Tallow as long as it's being made!"
"Tallow balm has worked wonders for my eczema! I have battled this nummular eczema on my chest for several months now. It originally started as one small coin-shaped spot near my armpit, but continued to spread across my chest and down my breasts. I've had little relief from this. I had not been using my tallow balm consistently until the eczema started to affect my eyelids last week. I needed something quick because my eyes were miserable and starting to swell badly. After just a couple of applications, my eyelids were back to normal! I was so happy!! I decided to start applying it to all of my spots 2-3 times per day and within less less than a week my skin looks SO much better! It has been such a struggle and I am finally feeling better again. I am so thankful for Touch of Tallow."
"I started using your tallow balm on half of my stomach (the right side of this photo) inconsistently morning and night to see if it would help my stretch marks and loose skin. In the picture, you can see that after only 2-3 weeks of use it has already significantly improved the stretched/loose skin compared to the side I wasn't putting your tallow balm on (the left side of this photo.) I am literally in AWE and am so thankful that I've found tallow balm from Touch of Tallow that is finally helping with 5 years of stretch marks and loose skin due to multiple pregnancies."
"I have only been using Touch of Tallow for less than two weeks, and I can not believe the difference in my stretch marks already. My son will be two in October and I have tried EVERYTHING to reduce the appearance of my stretch marks, especially the deep purple/red ones and nothing worked. You have a customer for as long as you're in business and I hope that's a very long time! Thank you so much for such a great product!"
“I’m a very private person and generally don’t share pictures of my kids on social media but I wanted to share these with you!
The tallow balm from Touch of Tallow is amazing! Our daughter was diagnosed with staph scalded skin syndrome and stayed several days in the children’s hospital. Thankfully, she fully recovered but we were concerned about scarring on her face. We tried store-bought “natural” lotions that irritated her skin. Touch of Tallow was gentle enough for her sensitive skin and so nourishing that in just two and a half weeks of using this tallow balm we no longer have to worry about scarring. We are so grateful for this amazing product! It has been a God send.”
"I have suffered with cracked and dry heels for many, many years. I have tried nearly every cream and product that I can get my hands on with no long term results. I came across Touch of Tallow earlier this year and knew I had to give it a try and WOW! My heels have never looked or felt better. Many products will temporarily mask the symptoms, but I feel like my tallow is actually healing my skin. From acne, to keratosis pilaris, to my dry heels - my whole family benefits from this balm!"
"I started using the Opulence tallow balm in July for a brown spot on my face that was getting bigger and changing shape. It got darker after a weekend at the beach. I wasn't consistent in putting it on every day but now a few months later the brown spot is almost all gone. It's barely noticeable anymore! I am so amazed with how well this worked! I am telling everyone I know about this product."
"I bought your premium tallow balm for my sister who has been dealing with toe fungus for over a year now. She applies your tallow balm every night,. These photos are 79 days apart since she has started using your tallow balm. She tried every remedy out there with no success. This is the only thing that has shown effective results. We are amazed! Absolutely obsessed with this stuff!! Pure gold."
"I started using the Signature tallow balm and the Nuskin Lumispa brush every morning and night on my face since the end of November 2021. Within a couple of uses, I could already tell a difference. Fast forward to January 2022 and I am finally confident in my skin again! It took less than two months for me to see these incredible results. I am still so blown away!! THANK YOU for helping me love my skin again!!!"
"Kim, just WOW! This tallow balm is the best thing ever. My boyfriend had his ganglion cyst removed and since surgery it came back. I started applying your tallow balm 3/3/22 and this is today 4/8/22. Like WHAT!? Absolutely shook. Please never stop making your tallow balms! xo."
"I’ve struggled with melasma for years! Some say it comes around during pregnancy but that wasn’t my experience. It kept getting worse and I tried all sorts of things to lighten it, make it go away, or cover it up…nothing worked. I ran across your tallow and started reading the testimonials. I felt some hope and decided to try your tallow on my face. I used the Opulence Tallow Balm religiously - morning and night. This is my progress: the first picture is before using your tallow, then after two weeks, then after two more weeks. The difference is insane!!! I’m a believer for life! Now my husband and son use the tallow too. Thank you so much for this incredible product!"
"I started using Touch of Tallow for my skincare needs. Quickly, I found out the endless products it has replaced for me. From chapstick to hand cream to helping with ear infections and eliminating pink eye. But most of all, it saved my hand when I was bitten by a dog. I immediately started applying tallow to the area three times per day. Not only did it heal the scar but it prevented infection as well."
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.